Mining Technologies

About mining technologies

Mining Technologies

Densep Technologies has significant experience with most material handling and mining machines, plants, facilities and structures including

The QA system utilised by Densep Technologies includes specific procedures for design, design review, project management, site troubleshooting, post-processing, analysis and reporting.


Stacker Reclaimer Thar Coal Handling Plant

Upon SECMC (Sindh Engro Coal Mining Company) request, Densep Technologies had undertaken a detailed engineering review of the stacker reclaimer design and its specification to ensure machine compliance to international standards and had advised SECMC about avoiding a number of costly non critical machine features.



Bulking-in Hopper System

A 30 m^3 dual side FEL fed hopper system was designed as a redundancy in an out loading circuit to ensure throughput continuation during reclaimer breakdowns. The machine was mobile and rail mounted over the stockpile reclaiming conveyor.


Conveyor Engineering and Design Review – Thar Coal Handling Plant​

A complete engineering review of Thar Block II project conveyors 2021B, 2023A and 2024 was undertaken on SECMC request. The review involved full modeling of the entire conveyor systems from minimum available information. The review report had shown some serious shortcomings and inconsistencies. The review later helped in addressing the conveyor engineering issues in an structured manner.


Buffer Stop Frame FEA – Thar Coal Handling Plant

A complete engineering review of Thar Block II project conveyors 2021B, 2023A and 2024 was undertaken on SECMC request. The review involved full modeling of the entire conveyor systems from minimum available information. The review report had shown some serious shortcomings and inconsistencies. The review later helped in addressing the conveyor engineering issues in an structured manner.

The analysis had resulted in an efficient redesign of the stop frame while ensuring even load distribution to supporting truss and trestles.


DEM (Discrete Element Modeling) Capability

Cone Crusher bogging event simulation to study overload capacities